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Work Samples
Novel Graphic Novel Graphic Character Set A B C D E F G H I i J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ¡ ! ¿ ? . , : ; ‘ ‒ – — # $ % & @ ( ) * © ‘ ’ “ ” • … Novel Graphic SerifCharacter Set A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ¡ ! ¿ ? . , : ; ‘ ‒ – — # $ % & @ ( ) * © ‘ ’ “ ” • … Font in Progress! Want to hear when this font family is available?Sign up for the Society of Fonts eMinute newsletter below! (We do… (Continue reading…)
ScienceGothic Science Gothic™ is a libre sans serif variable font commissioned by Google Fonts. Its wide design range allows it to take on many different looks and uses, striking or classy, from superheroes and detectives… (Continue reading…)
Protest: a Typeface Based on protest signs, this font was drawn with a Sharpie™ Magnum® at a condensed width to fit more into a tight space, and a bold weight to be more legible at… (Continue reading…)
Chapters Branding Chapters is a coffee shop and bookstore in Newberg, Oregon, selling primarily coffee, tea, and new & used books. It is a local watering hole. It also gets seasonal traffic from George Fox… (Continue reading…)
For 2017 I posted a lettering piece every day to social media. For a chunk of that I decided to letter a positive word for every letter of the English alphabet. The goal was not… (Continue reading…)
The Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends—a regional body of Quaker meetings—sets aside January to focus on the practice of peace. For several years now I’ve designed materials for Peace Month. For 2017 I hand lettered… (Continue reading…)